Online Teachers
1-Week to Niche Workshop!

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Calling all online teachers who are ready to build their online brand + business but struggle pinpointing their perfect offer!

You have 1 million different ideas, and you don't know which direction to go in...

You feel...

➡️ scattered with too many ideas + interests.

➡️ overwhelmed to pick just ONE niche.

➡️ confused by market research.

➡️ worried that someone else is already doing what you want to do.

In 1-week, you'll get clear on:​

How to hone in on your perfect niche to stand out from other brands/businesses.​

✅How to feel confident in your unique offer.​

✅How to conduct market research to know your niche is worth targeting.​

✅How to share content easily with clear content pillars.

Subscribe & i'll let you know as soon as doors are open!